It's always sad to say goodbye to a friend forever. But today, instead of saying goodbye forever, I just gave it to my brother, Harry, instead. The subject? Purr Pals for Nintendo DS, in which you have to care for kittens by feeding them, grooming them and the such. I sold the game to H for £11 - a reasonable price when it's £15 in the shops new - and now he's happy as Larry; all I can hear is Felix meowing for food, a bit like Murray, my real cat!
As a quick note, I didn't write yesterday as we went to Plumpton Racecourse for the Easter races, during which I did not pick the winning horse once.
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Sunday, 23 March 2008
A Worthwhile Easter
As today is Easter, expect this post to have been written with chocolatey fingers! This year, I received a Mars Planets egg (3 bags of Planets included), a Snickers egg (2 bars included), a Mini Eggs egg (a handful of Mini Eggs inside the egg), a Creme Egg Minis egg (a handful of Mini Creme Eggs inside the egg), a Dairy Milk chick (a handful of Chocolate Buttons inside) and a Lindt Gold Bunny. Fans of the Ramblings will remember that the Mini Eggs egg, chick and bunny were from the egg hunt at the weekend. So far, I have eaten the bunny and the chick's head - and very yummy they were too!
Saturday, 22 March 2008
A Revisit To An Old Friend

Today, I, as the title suggests, revisited and old friend. "Who is this friend?", I hear you ask! Well it's not "who" but "what". The subject at hand here is Enigmo 2 - a puzzle game from Pangea Software. The object is to collect 50 drops of water, 50 particles of plasma, or"bits" of laser (What do you call a "bit" of laser?!) in a tank. Once you get past level 7 it gets very hard because it starts using three axis instead of two, which means that you have to line the objects up not just up, down, left and right, but forwards and backwards as well. Trust me, it takes a lot of patience!
As an extra bonus note, today's post marks 8 posts on my blog - the first number to mean that there are more than the ones on the first page!
Friday, 21 March 2008
Macromedia (or Adobe) Flash
Today I got the Macromedia Flash 8 editor and I have made 2 documents. Firstly, I made a green circle that changes into a square, then a pentagon, then a red trapezium, then back to a green circle again. I think that's quite good for a first project! When I had made that, I went on to create a pencil that actually looks like it is drawing a line. It took me a couple of tries, but I managed it in the end. Of course the only two techniques I know at the moment are motion- and shape-tweening, but it's a start!
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Panic Over
You'll be glad to know that I managed to complete the History homework. Of course, being Mr. Cheese, a lot of it was rambling!
All set for the Easter weekend here, eggs bought, hot cross buns made in the new bread maker (though without crosses, it seems) and we're all ready to stuff our faces with chocolate. A word of wisdom, though: if you find yourself bogged down with chocolate each year (looking at you, Little Blubs!) then why not ask for Easter presents instead? A book perhaps, or maybe a DVD. That kind of thing. It means that you won't still have last year's easter eggs in a box on the weekend before Easter, like some people...
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
History At School
Today, I have to write a diary for a soldier in the trenches during WWI. Now, I thought that History was about learning facts, but really it just involves learning a few facts and writing what we think about them. Take this diary homework for instance; I have had 2 lessons on WWI, yet they expect me to write this diary for the whole war! I don't really know what I am supposed to put into it, because I haven't exactly learnt much about it, have I?
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Easter Hunt
Well, the time came today for me and Little Blubs's Easter Hunt. And yes, I know it was early, but hey, it's better than not having one at all! As usual, there was one egg right at the end that we just couldn't find for about 15 minutes - there's always one, it happens every year. And of course, it was in the most obvious place you could think of - in a candle-holder. You might think that's not obvious, but in this house there are a lot of candle-holders, so it was.
Wipeout Pulse
I have been playing Wipeout Pulse a lot lately, and I have found an interesting, well, I suppose you could call it a glitch. If you get caught in a quake (something I do rather a lot, because I never have a shield), then your ship seemingly moves underneath the race track:

I suppose they can't think of everything at Sony, but it would be nice if they got the graphics sorted out. Oh, and also, if you do decide to explode (another thing I very often do) if there are a lot of other ships on-screen, the graphics seem to lack the ability to keep up with the game play. I would have thought that, maybe, in the depths of the realm of Sony, they would have been able to overcome things like this. Also, while we're on the subject of the game, be sure to check out my custom ship skins at - search for the user called jobbogamer to find them.

I suppose they can't think of everything at Sony, but it would be nice if they got the graphics sorted out. Oh, and also, if you do decide to explode (another thing I very often do) if there are a lot of other ships on-screen, the graphics seem to lack the ability to keep up with the game play. I would have thought that, maybe, in the depths of the realm of Sony, they would have been able to overcome things like this. Also, while we're on the subject of the game, be sure to check out my custom ship skins at - search for the user called jobbogamer to find them.
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Welcome to Mr. Cheese's Random Ramblings, the home of all things random (Well, the stuff I think of, anyway)! Here, you will find a lot of ramblings, in due course, the occasional poll, and, if I get round to it, maybe a few videos from YouTube. All of this, just so that you can take a break from any boredom you or your friends and family may share together!
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